Donor KIR B-content group calculator

Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR) genes form a diverse, immunogenetic system unlinked to HLA. Group A and B KIR haplotypes have distinctive centromeric (Cen) and telomeric (Tel) gene-content motifs. With the goal of developing a donor selection strategy to improve transplant outcome, Cooley et al., compared the contribution of these motifs to the clinical benefit conferred by B haplotype donors. Donor KIR genotype influenced transplantation outcome for AML, but not ALL, after HLA-matched or mismatched T-cell replete unrelated donor transplants. Compared to A haplotype motifs, centromeric and telomeric B motifs both contributed to relapse protection and improved survival, but Cen-B homozygosity had the strongest independent effect. KIR genotyping several best HLA-matched potential donors should substantially increase the frequency of transplants using unrelated donor grafts with favorable KIR gene content. Adopting this practice could result in superior disease-free survival for patients transplanted for AML.

Disclaimer - This research tool is being offered as a tool to predict donor KIR B-content groups assignments as reported in:

S Cooley, DJ Weisdorf, LA Guethlein, JP Klein, T Wang, CT Le, SGE Marsh, D Geraghty, S Spellman, MD Haagenson, M Ladner, E Trachtenberg, P Parham and JS Miller.
Donor selection for natural killer cell receptor genes leads to superior survival after unrelated transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia.
Blood (2010) 116:2411-9.

No information entered into this tool is collected or stored on our servers.

This calculator allows you to enter the genotypes for up to five prospective donors, and receive their assignments to one of 3 groups based on KIR B-content. The groups, "Neutral", "Better", "Best", refer to the associated relapse protection seen in T-cell replete URD HCT for AML. Simply enter the prospective donor's KIR genotype by selecting the appropriate box for each gene. A tick indicates presence of a gene in the donor's genotype.

All genotypes are compared to a list of predicted genotypes. These genotypes are generated based on known KIR haplotypes and has been supplemented with a number of additional KIR genotypes that have been defined in routine KIR typing. Currently over 180 KIR genotypes are included. If a Prospective Donor's KIR Typing does not match any of the genotypes on this list a warning is issued.

If you intend to publish data using this tool please cite;

Robinson, J., Halliwell, J.A., McWilliam, H., Lopez, R. and Marsh, S.G.E.
Nucleic Acids Res (2013), 41 D1234-1240.
Prospective Donor KIR Typing
CEN genesTEL genesCEN or TEL genesFramework genes
CEN genesTEL genesCEN or TEL genesFramework genes
CEN genesTEL genesCEN or TEL genesFramework genes
CEN genesTEL genesCEN or TEL genesFramework genes
CEN genesTEL genesCEN or TEL genesFramework genes