Multiple Sequence Alignment

The multiple alignment tool allows to display single locus alignments, as well as inter- and intra- species loci alignments from all groups within the IPD-MHC Database. This is achieved by a hybrid approach that combines precomputed alignments of single loci with dynamic inter- and intra- species sequence alignments. Where discrepancies have arisen between reported sequences and those stored in the database, the original authors have been contacted where possible, and necessary amendments to published sequences have been incorporated into this alignment. Future sequencing may identify errors in this list and the Nomenclature Committee would welcome any evidence that helps to maintain the accuracy of these sequence alignments.

Further help can be found in the help which details both the input options and how the alignments are displayed. Alignments can be downloaded from the download page.

Taxonomic Groups

Non-Human Primates (NHP)
Canids (DLA)
Salmonids (FISH)
Ovids (OLA)
Bovins (BoLA)
Equids (ELA)
Suids (SLA)
Murids (RT1)
Gallus (CHICKEN)
Human (HLA)
Capra (CLA)

Organisms tags


Alouatta pigra
Aotus azarai
Aotus lemurinus
Aotus nancymaae
Aotus nigriceps
Aotus trivirgatus
Aotus vociferans
Ateles belzebuth
Ateles fusciceps
Callithrix jacchus
Callicebus moloch
Callithrix pygmaea
Cebus apella
Cercocebus atys
Cercopithecus mitis
Cercopithecus neglectus
Chlorocebus aethiops
Chlorocebus pygerythrus
Chlorocebus sabaeus
Colobus guereza
Gorilla beringei
Gorilla gorilla
Hylobates lar
Hylobates moloch
Leontopithecus rosalia
Lophocebus aterrimus
Macaca arctoides
Macaca assamensis
Macaca fascicularis
Macaca fuscata
Mandrillus leucophaeus
Macaca leonina
Macaca mulatta
Macaca nemestrina
Macaca silenus
Mandrillus sphinx
Macaca thibetana
Papio anubis
Papio cynocephalus
Papio hamadryas
Pan paniscus
Papio papio
Pan troglodytes
Papio ursinus
Pithecia pithecia
Pongo abelii
Pongo pygmaeus
Saguinus fuscicollis
Saguinus geoffroyi
Saguinus labiatus
Saguinus mystax
Saguinus oedipus
Saimiri sciureus
Semnopithecus entellus
Theropithecus gelada
Canis adustus
Canis aureus
Canis latrans
Canis lupus
Canis mesomelas
Canis rufus
Canis simensis
Cuon alpinus
Lycaon pictus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Salmo salar
Ovis aries
Ovis canadensis
Bos frontalis
Bos grunniens
Bos sp.
Bubalus bubalis
Equus caballus
Sus scrofa
Rattus norvegicus
Gallus gallus
Homo sapiens
Capra hircus
Balaenoptera musculus
Tursiops truncatus


Please select an organism, first.
Selected genes
Specific sequences required (separated by a new line or a comma)
Alignment options
Resolution level
01 : 01 : 01 : 01

Help with Sequence Alignments

  • Please select one or more loci by first choosing the species and then the gene. By clicking on the the locus name, the selection will be added below.
  • The organism list can be filtered either by tags and/or by MHC group. The list of organism can be further filtered by writing into the input field in the Organisms section.
  • An alternative reference sequence may be defined later by entering the allele name into the text box. The autocomplete form will aid the input selection.
  • Where discrepancies have arisen between reported sequences and those stored in the database, the original authors have been contacted where possible, and necessary amendments to published sequences have been incorporated into this alignment. Future sequencing may identify errors in this list and the Nomenclature Committee would welcome any evidence that helps to maintain the accuracy of these sequence alignments.

Further more detailed help can be found in the help which details both the input options and how the alignments are displayed.